Latest News About Ufo-China Made Contact With Aliens via Radio Signals — Latest World News
Astronomers at Beijing Normal University have “discovered numerous cases of possible technological surveillance and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth,” according to a report published Tuesday (June 14) in the Science and Technology Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. The signals were picked up by the Chinese Fight Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), called the “Heavenly Eye”, which is the largest radio telescope in the world.
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Sky Eye is used to scan deep space for radio signals that could reflect extraterrestrial life in 2019; By scanning this data in 2020, scientists claim to have found two suspected narrow bands, possibly artificial radio signals. Then, in 2022, a deliberate survey of known exoplanets found another strange narrowband radio signal, increasing the number to three.
In 2020, Zhang said, the team found two sets of interesting signals when reviewing FAST data collected in 2019. Another signal was apparently captured in data collected on exoplanet targets this year. However, Zhang also reportedly highlighted that the signals may be the product of radio interference. Follow-up FAST observations are reportedly underway.
(The Science and Technology Daily story has been removed from the outlet’s website.) To understand the FAST rumors, Inside Outer Space reached out to Dan Werthimer, Marilyn, and Watson Alberts SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Chair of the UC Berkeley Department of Astronomy and Space Science Laboratory. He collaborates with SETI researchers at Beijing Normal University. Witmer poured cold water on the possibility that the FAST signal was produced by advanced aliens.
“These signals come from radio interference; they are due to radio pollution from Earthlings, not aliens. The technical term we use is ‘RFI’ — radio frequency interference. RFI can come from cell phones, TV transmitters, radar, satellites, etc., As well as electronics and computers near the observatory that generate weak radio transmissions,” Werthimer said. “All the signals SETI researchers have found so far have come from our own civilization, not another,” Werthimer added. “It’s getting harder to make SETI observations from the Earth’s surface.
As more transmitters and satellites are built, radio pollution will only get worse. Certain radio frequency bands are no longer available for SETI.” Earthlings may eventually need to go to the other side of the moon to do SETI work, Werthimer said. “The radio telescope on the far side of the moon will be free from all the radio pollution on Earth,” he said.